
500 feet

one time i had a dream that foot-prints became a status symbol. people would collect them like autographs.

people would travel around with bottles of ink and paper. they would ask one another if they could make prints of their feet.

different styles were popular, as were various colours and their associated symbolisms, and it was prestigious to have the print of a famous or powerful person. 

i collected about 500 feet.

my pet-fish, bubbles, said that this was an idiotic fad. 

i told him he was just jealous because he didn't have feet. 


scotland yes!

one time i had a dream that scotland was an independent country.

my pet-fish, bubbles, said no thanks.

bubbles said that if his sister, cinnabar, were still alive, she would have voted yes.

too bad dead people can't vote.



primo igne

one time i had a dream that prometheus let me use some of his original fire to warm up the kettles at the mustard lab.


the dawn daughter

one time i had a dream that when the sun began no-one was able to hold the light except the dawn daughter. 

so she got the job of spreading the day over the horizon. she would often get bored, so she would shake the light and make different forms of refraction to entertain herself.