
happy halloween

happy halloween from me and my pet fish, bubbles!

hopefully, i don't get pulled over by ghost cop tonight.


famous napkin

one time i had a dream that the world's most renowned storyteller loaned me his famous napkin.

my pet fish, bubbles, said it was a dish towel.



one time i had a dream that the colonel from the sentient maize fleet arrived to conduct discussion with the monkey cousins.



one time i had a dream that at the top of the elevator there were light refreshments served for the trouser pirates. 


happy thanksgiving, canada!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING this weekend to eveyone up north from my pet fish bubbles and i.

Mon animal de compagnie, bubbles, et moi, nous disons: BONNE ACTION DE GRACE à nos amis canadiens et québécois. 

also, please don't invade our country and burn down our capital city like you did in 1814. 

aussi bonne chance à Montréal dans les play-offs!