
mathilde, la fiancée.

one time i had a dream that i got to meet mathilde, my cousin harold's fiancée, at their betrothal ceremony. we got invited to stay at her castle. she had a cool kind of clock radio. on the betrothal side, i don't think she ended up so lucky.

my pet fish, bubbles, said that she had a hot sports-car. i told him to calm down because she probably wasn't going to let him drive it.


geometry experts

one time, i had a dream that i was at a party. the people there played a game. they pretended to be psychologists, or pretended to be archaeologists, or pretended to be big minds in philosophy. really, they just knew about some old poems.

i decided to tell them about my late uncle cuthred. he had some unique theories on babylonian mythology. but, an angel arrived instead. the party people tried  to get him/her to do geometry proofs for some entertainment.

my pet fish, bubbles, said that if i hadn't been for the angel showing up, it would have been the dullest party he had ever been to. he's been to a lot. bubbles said he's an expert on parties.

it was also very windy there.


the pool players

one time i had a dream that planting pear trees could help my cousin harold get married because his fiancee's father didn't have a billiards table.

my pet fish, bubbles, said that this would help the tigers beat the lizards at snooker.